The Story behind Cuballets

Set in present time unique Cuba. Many of us have an idea or we have heard about life, politics, and the situation in Cuba, not many people have gone into Cuba and talked to us from the inside about the arts. Cuballets takes us into this island and peels away the layers until we are face to face with these great artists, their day to day challenges and the daily fight they have to put up to live their lives and reach their dreams. Painters, Ballerinas, the world renown Cuban ballet and the strong respected arts in Cuba will be our focus. Ou goal is to explore why and how Cuba is producing so many great ballerinas and world renown artists.

This project is about the fight these artists in Cuba are fighting day after day. Their hard work will make us realize that some of us are extraordinarily fortunate and that we should not take anything for granted, especially our freedom. These artists and this country will show us how powerful it can be to truly have a dream and live every day to fulfill that dream, amidst limitations and struggles. These dancers fight for a better world within their country.